Awaken Wonder
Order Loves
Encounter the Lord

our lady of hope students outside classical learning

Awaken Wonder

Order Loves

Encounter the Lord

Nature, Beauty, Art, & Culture

Awakening Wonder

Solar Panels

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” – Proverbs 9:10

The beauty of nature, the heavens and the earth, art and culture, the angels and the animals, and our fellow man give us opportunities to wonder at the grandeur of God. We begin our journey to gain wisdom when we fear the Lord and wonder at His works.

At Our Lady of Hope Academy (OLH), the outdoor experiences, nature studies, stargazing, dancing, singing, recitations, and reading aloud develop the imagination and wonder of students and form them in a poetic disposition. This poetic and imaginative foundation prepares the ground for the further cultivation of intellectual and philosophical habits later in their educational journey. This formation dignifies the nature of children and engages them them as whole persons.

God, Neighbor, Self, & Community

Ordering Loves

“A proper education enables young people to put their lives in order, which means knowing what things are more important than other things; it means putting first things first.” – Wendell Berry

When we love God and follow His will, we order our lives according to His plan. Our life, choices, and desires all need to come under His care, guidance, and direction. Once we do this, we come to love and see one another as our Lord intended. Whether we plan for an afternoon outing, choose which homework to accomplish first, or when we plan to attend Mass on the weekend, we cultivate a tranquil mind and heart, oriented toward God and our neighbor.

Through school work, outdoor experiences, and loving our neighbors through charitable works, OLH offers opportunities to students to develop the internal and external senses which turn toward God and then toward neighbor.

Relationship, Identity, & Mission

Encountering the Lord

Solar Panels

“God looked at everything he had made, and found it very good.” – Genesis 1:31

“You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” – Luke 3:22

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20

Prayer, worship, festival, and play ground us in our humanity and draw us forth to higher things. We lead students through our witness and body forth the virtues for our students. We invite them to grow in their relationship with God, understand their identity as a son or daughter of the Father, and guide them as they discern the ways God may call them throughout their lives. The struggle to order our lives and wills according to the will of God gives us reason to turn to one another as brothers and sisters as we urge one another for the glory of God.

Educational Approach

Honoring the Tradition

The Church & Western Heritage

As a private school that forms and educates within the Catholic intellectual and spiritual tradition, we look to this tradition to inform how we understand our humanity, our ends, and how best to journey through life. We look to the wisdom of the ages to best bring about the full flourishing of young men and women as sons and daughters of the Lord, who are situated in their time and place, formed in a wholistic manner, and given the seeds and tools that will help them journey through life.

Classroom Learning

Attentive, Integrated, & Detailed

The cultivation of their senses, both external and internal, gives the students opportunities to develop the habit of deliberate attention so that they give their all to the given task, reading, work, or direction. Teachers connect and showcase the integrated nature of our lives and learning. This means that the learning will be deliberate, focused, and detailed so that the distinction between the parts and the whole can be respected.

Experiential Learning

Wonder through Nature, Beauty, & Art

Outdoor experiences, nature studies, stargazing, dancing, singing, recitations, and reading aloud develop the imagination and wonder of students and form them in the poetic disposition. This poetic and imaginative foundation prepares the ground for the further cultivation of intellectual and philosophical habits later in their educational journey. This formation dignifies the nature of young children and engages them in a variety of ways.

The Benefits

  • Living the liturgical year

  • Formed within the liberal arts tradition

  • Outdoors-oriented and nature studies
  • Field trips & experiences outside classrooms

  • Vibrant community of parents and children

Our Patroness: Our Lady

“From Mary we learn to surrender to God’s will in all things. From Mary we learn to trust even when all hope seems gone. From Mary we learn to love Christ her Son and the Son of God.”
— St. John Paul the Great

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